Company/Institute Position
Job Description Concepts & Technologies
sonova Senior Data Scientist (Apr 2023-ongoing) • Build machine learning pipelines and end-to-end data-driven applications.
• Generate predictive models to drive insights on business decision making and performance optimization.
• Create smart solutions for better customer targeting.
MLOps, GCP, Machine Learning, Python, Airflow, Predictive Analytics, MlFlow, Tensorflow.
sonova Data Scientist (Jan 2022-Mar 2023) • Developed a predictive modelling application, which sorts leads by quality and conversion probability, for faster customer acquisition.
• Built a geo-targeting algorithm, which helped to increase the weekly conversion rate of Appointments to Qualified Leads at a maximum target of 66%.
• Assisted in creating an algorithm for better marketing budget allocation.
MLOps, GCP, Python, R, Customer Segmentation, Predictive Analytics, MlFlow, Marketing Mix Modelling.
   kaufland Data Scientist (Oct 2018-Dec 2021) • Developed a predictive modeling application, which reduced Cost to Sales Ratio by 4% in one of the most important marketing channels.
• Built a new version of the Similar Product Recommender, which increased Click Through Rate by 5%.
• Established a system which deals with fake review & product detection.
Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Python, Tensorflow, Keras, DataDog.
audi Master Thesis Student (Mar 2018-Aug 2018) • Topic: Conceptualization and Development of a Predictive Big Data Streaming Application in the Context of Automotive Manufacturing. Lambda Architecture, Batch/Stream Processing, Spark (SQL, ML, Streaming), RabbitMQ, Python.
audi Data Science Intern (Oct 2017-Feb 2018)
• Optimized riveting process by building an internal software using big data analytics, predictive modelling, and streaming applications.
Big Data, Data Lake, Smart Factories, RabbitMQ, Spark, Python, R, Tableau.
pwc Forensic Analyst Intern (Apr 2017-Jul 2017) • Assisted in projects concerning computer forensics, e-discovery, predictive data analysis and fraud detection. Relational Databases, Structured Data, ERP System, Java, Microsoft SQL, QlikView, SAP.
rwth Teaching Assistant (Nov 2016-Feb 2017) • Prepared learning materials and exercises related to biomedical ontologies, RDF data models, and SPARQL query language. Web Semantics, OWL ontologies, RDF, SPARQL query language, BIO2RDF.